Playing today with your excellent touchscreen interface!
I currently utilize an HAI OPII with a couple of means of interfaces. That said I do have Omnitouch legacy and Omnitouch IP touchscreens.
Included in the HAI wares is also an Omnitouch / Video hub which I use with the legacy stuff.
My newest touchscreens are of the 16:9. These run Linux, Android and Wintel. I am playing today with a Wintel based touchscreen.
1 - The display resolution is 16:9 and 800 X 480. Is there a way to adjust the display such that if fills the screen?
2 - I am just starting to get into HD IP cameras and have been utilizing Zoneminder for many years. That said I do have issues but can display my security cameras. I use a simple link. Here is what I use for the Omnitouch Extended Setup IP cameras which kind of works but only gives me a 4:3 display which I do not really like.
My preference is to utilize the camera server which today has 8 analog and 8 IP cameras.
Camera #1
Type: JPEG
Number: One
Is there a way to utilize the above mentioned link and provide a 16:9 view. IE: I utilize 320X184, 640X368, 1280X720 (HD)?
BTW I tried to add a 3rd picture which is 118KB but had issues so will post in next message.