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Topics - DANNER

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I've been very happy with Myro:Home Helper.  It's well designed and reliable.  It's so great to be able to integrate my existing OmniPro with the HomeKit app and other HomeKit accessories.

One problem: I haven't been able to get the HAI accessories bridged with HAP to trigger any  HomeKit automation I've set up.  For instance, I'd like a UPB switch hooked up to the HAI system to be able to turn on a non-HAI controlled light that's connected via HomeKit.   Setting up an automation action to trigger when toggling the switch doesn't seem to trigger any automation (regardless of whether it's a HAI controlled accessory or a some other non-HAI HomeKit accessory)

Is this just a limitation of Home Helper?  Or is there something I'm missing in how I've setup my HAP server?

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