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HAI/Leviton Omni Firmware Release Notes
« on: November 23, 2020, 05:57:09 pm »
PC Access Version (2/January/2018)

- Updates for Windows 10 security changes.

PC Access Version (17/January/2017)

- Controller firmware 4.0b released:
    - Added support for flash memory module.  IMPORTANT: Firmware versions below 4.0 may not be installed in controllers with flash memory modules.
    - Improved contact ID reporting compatibility for account codes containing zeroes.
    - Improved contact ID reporting compatibility when the checksum value is zero.

- Added support for Omni firmware 4.0.

- OmniTouch 7 firmware version 1.15 (99A00-1/2) released:
    - Fixed limitation of four OT7s displaying video preview for 2N door stations
    - Added separate volume control for ring volume in settings page
    - Review trouble conditions are displayed for Omni
    - Fixed wake lock issue

- Enhanced IP Camera Support with built in support for over 250 new camera models.

- Added support Omni Notifier firmware 2.0 that allows E-Mails to be sent using My Leviton Cloud services.  This eliminates compatibility issues with some SMTP servers. See Knowledge Base article DOC-4920 for more information:

PC Access Version (20/July/2016)

- Controller firmware 3.16 released:
    - Fixed Somfy SDN stop command not working.
    - Improved TCP connection establishment for certain TCP clients.
    - Added support for HLCK6 UPB keypad.
    - Modified to clear any freeze alarm for a non-communicating thermostat.

- Corrected some Italian translation errors.

PC Access Version (17/December/2015)

- Omni Notifier firmware version 1.5 released:
  - Improved performance and stability.

- Added button to read and display firmware info on the Notifier setup page.

PC Access Version (15/October/2015)

- Added OmniTouch 7 Kernel Version 1.1 and OmniTouch 7 Firmware Version 1.12 to the update site.  See Technical Bulletin TB-18 for instructions on installing these updates.

This upgrade improves connection reliability, video connections and eliminates a soft sound that can be heard when you hold your ear up to the speaker. Furthermore, this upgrade will eliminate the possibility of the touchscreen producing a static noise from the speaker that can be heard from a distance. Note that although the static noise is annoying if it happens, it does not pose safety or functionality issues.

Note: These updates must be applied together in order.

The OmniTouch firmware upgrade file (e.g. OmniTouch_7_Version_1.12_99A00-1_2.ot7f) must be applied first.

Wait for the touchscreen to reboot, then the Kernel upgrade file (OmniTouch_7_Kernel_Ver_1_1_99A00-1_2.ot7f) must be applied.

After the OmniTouch 7 restarts, press the Settings icon on the bottom-right of the OmniTouch 7 menu bar.

Press and hold the Settings icon for 3 seconds.

The firmware version is displayed in the title bar. Verify that the Kernel Version is 1.1 or higher.

- Fixed a few typos and text display issues.

PC Access Version (03/June/2015)

- Added the ability to filter the firmware download list.  PC Access 3 supports several models of controller in several languages.  This makes the list of available firmware files rather long.  Often you may be only interested in a particular language, or model.  The filter looks for text matches in the file names so typing "english" in the filter box will only display English controllers.  Typing "IIe" will display only Omni IIe controllers, etc.

- Added support for Leviton and Logenex TELEPORT door stations.

PC Access Version (14/May/2015)

- Fixed problem where the download firmware files window was not big enough to display all of the available firmware files.

PC Access Version (13/May/2015)

- Controller firmware 3.15 released:
  - Added EN 50131/PD6662 compliant systems.
  - Fixed a problem where invalid zones were shown as tripped during entry delay.
  - Fixed show camera command not working on OmniTouch 5.7 video touchscreens.
  - Added support for Z-Wave door lock auto lock.
  - Modified to use message name for subject in Notifier emails for user logged events.

- Added support for the European Security Standard EN50131 controllers.

- Added 3 new controller models that support the EN50131 standard:
  - Omni LTe-EU
  - Omni IIe-EU
  - OmniPro II-EU

PC Access Version (27/March/2015)

- Added support for SIP based intercom between IP Touchscreens, door stations and smart devices to the Extended Setup.

- Fixed update E-Mail Notifier firmware via UDP error.

PC Access Version (07/November/2014)

- Omni Notifier firmware version 1.3 released:
  - Improved performance and stability.

- Improved performance of Omni Notifier firmware update process.

- Improved status reporting during Omni Notifier firmware update process.

PC Access Version (27/October/2014)

- Controller firmware 3.14a released:
  - Improved TCP connection handling.

- OmniTouch 7 firmware 1.7 released.
  - Improved TCP connection handling.
  - Added Pop-Up Camera support.
  - Added Dealer Info support.

- Fixed problem where E-Mail Notifier Board MAC address could be changed during a firmware update.

PC Access Version (29/August/2014)

- Controller firmware 3.14 released:
  - Added support to display IP cameras on IP touchscreens.
  - Added Omni-Link reset IP touchscreen message.
  - Added support for Somfy URTSI II shade interface.
  - Renamed "Somfy ILT" to Somfy SDN".
  - Added Somfy SDN stop command.
  - Added Somfy SDN to Omni IIe and Omni LTe controllers.
  - Added trouble acknowledgement status reporting for IP touchscreens.
- Updated help text for E-Mail Notifier Board.

- Added support for automation commands to display IP Cameras on IP touchscreens.

- Added support for touchscreen restart command.

- Added support for Somfy URTSI II shade interface.

- Renamed "Somfy ILT" to Somfy SDN".

- Added support for Somfy SDN on Omni IIe and Omni LTe controllers with version 3.14 firmware.

PC Access Version (08/May/2014)

- Added Omni Notifier e-mail board support to:
  - Omni IIe
  - Omni LTe
  - Lumina
  - LuminaPro
  Previously this feature was only available in the OmniPro II.

PC Access Version (05/May/2014)

- Controller firmware 3.13 released:
  - Added support for Omni Notifier email board.
  - Improved compatibility with Dynalite DUS-804C light/motion sensor.
  - Modified to reset UPB PIM to message mode once an hour in case it somehow gets changed.
  - Improved responsiveness of Omni-Link 2 notifications.
  - Improved Z-Wave command processing.

- Added Support for E-Mail Board.  The new E-Mail board may be configured from within PC Access 3.  In order to use this feature you must have a network capable controller with firmware version 3.13 or higher.  You must also have at least one serial port configured for the E-Mail board protocol.

- Corrected several foreign language translation errors.

- Corrected problem where OmniTouch 7 firmware files were appearing as new even though they had been previously downloaded.

PC Access Version (18/October/2013)

- Controller firmware 3.12 released:
  - Added support for Leviton Dimension 4200, Dimension 8000, and GreenMax lighting systems using the Leviton Luma-Net A/V Interface.
  - Fixed problem sending back-to-back commands to the same Z-Wave thermostat.
  - Modified to send Omni-Link II notifications for zone auto bypass.
  - Fixed problem where keyswitch input could stop zones from updating.
- Added support for Leviton Luma-Net.

- Fixed a bug that would not allow you to add more than one OmniTouch 7 to a controller.

- Moved the configuration of OmniTouch 7 touch screens into Extended Setup to enable support for future enhancements.

- Fixed Copy/Paste error where the Add/Delete buttons for OmniTouch 7 screens displayed as Add/Delete Hi-Fi 2.  The buttons functioned correctly but displayed the incorrect text.

- Fixed Vizia RF Z-Wave Unit Annotation problem.  Vizia RF Z-Wave units that have a Node ID, but are not named are considered to be secondary room controllers.  When ever the Name or Node ID changes the Annotation is now updated to reflect the change.

- Updated the Security Stamp dialog to provide clearer instructions as to its use and importance.

- Added the ability to open export (.exp) files by double clicking on the file.  Previously this only worked for account (.pca) files.

PC Access Version (6/September/2013)

- Modified Extended Setup Room Items to update invalid entries.  Example, if Unit #2 is added to a room then later Unit #2 is deleted (unnamed) all references to Unit #2 will be changed to the first valid Unit.  Corrected items will be annotated with a red icon when the correction is first made.  Switching away from the page will remove all of the annotations.

- Fixed a bug where one of the libraries was omitted from the touch screen updater.

- Modified the OmniTouch 7 firmware updater routine.  NOTE: This update is required to update the released version of the OmniTouch 7.  The previous version only worked with BETA touch screens.

PC Access Version (19/August/2013)

- Added support for OmniTouch 7 touch screens:
  - Added "Controller Name" to extended setup node.  This name will be displayed on the home page of the touch screen.
  - Added "Scene" object to extended setup room items.  This allows you to add HLC Scene commands or Buttons that will be displayed on the side panel of the OmniTouch 7 Control page.
  - Added the ability to download OmniTouch 7 firmware files using the normal "check for Updates..." process.
  - Added the ability to discover and save a list of OmniTouch 7s on the network.  NOTE: This list is stored in the account file, but not written to the controller.
  - Added the ability to update the firmware on an OmniTouch 7.

- Fixed a minor bug in the "PHONE NUMBER # AND SAY MESSAGE" display routine on the main automation tab. If the selected phone number was #8 then it displayed as "INVALID".  The command worked correctly and if reopened in the action editor it displayed correctly.
PC Access Version (14/June/2013)

- Fixed an issue in the Lumina specific version of PC Access 3 where the Units All On/Off and Address/Node ID settings were not visible.  This issue did not affect the normal User or Dealer versions of PC Access 3 but to keep the version numbers synchronized new versions of all 3 programs were released.

PC Access Version (10/May/2013)

- Added additional range checking on event log display.

PC Access Version (06/May/2013)

- Controller firmware 3.11d released:
  - Added support for Schlage Z-Wave motorized deadbolts.
  - Modified to skip logging and DCM on trouble restoral when zone bypassed.
  - Modified to report when ZigBee power reading is not valid for a unit.
  - Improved ZigBee command execution latency.

- Modified ZigBee power display on status page to not show any power reading for ZigBee devices that do not report power.  Previously these devices showed 0 Watts whether they were on or off which was misleading.

PC Access Version (29/April/2013)

- Modified "Disable System Sleep" routine so that it no longer displays status messages on the status bar.  Since these messages occur immediately after a connect or disconnect they were hiding the connection status messages.

PC Access Version (08/April/2013)

- Fixed a bug in the Lumina specific version of PC Access 3 that caused some setting not to be written to the controller.  This bug did not affect the normal User or Dealer versions of PC Access 3 but to keep the version numbers synchronized new versions of all 3 programs were released.

PC Access Version (19/March/2013)

- Controller firmware 3.11c released:
  - Modified Centralite message processing to support multiple load status reports in a single message.
  - Fixed access control reader locks locking when setup written to controller.

- Added support for Z-Wave lock to the Omni II (older model).  This feature was added in firmware 3.10 but not added in PC Access.  This omission is corrected with this release.

PC Access Version (19/February/2013)

- Controller firmware 3.11b released:
  - Fixed issues polling status from ZigBee locks.

- No PC Access functional changes. Incremented version numbers and recompiled.

PC Access Version (04/February/2013)

- Controller firmware 3.11a released:
  - Added Centralite protocol to Omni LTe.
  - Reduced poll rate on Z-Wave locks to extend battery life.
  - Fixed problem sending back-to-back Z-Wave lock commands.
  - Fixed Z-Wave fan mode command.
  - Fixed problem with RadioRA 2 Honeycomb shade commands.
  - Fixed problem receiving status from Somfy ST30 motors.

- Added support for Centralite to Omni LTe.

- Added new feature under Options->General to prevent system from going to sleep while on-line.

- Corrected range check on RadioRA 2 units.  Was using same range check as Z-Wave which limited addresses to 0 and 2-232 instead of 0-255.

- Corrected a minor bug that could cause a crash when reducing the number of areas to 1, and a very specific set of conditions existed on the thermostat setup page.  VERY rare bug, but has been fixed.

- Corrected issue where "Connect Network..." option was enabled even on non network capable controllers.

PC Access Version (02/October/2012)

- Controller firmware 3.11 released:
  - Added support for the KNX gateway.
  - Added support for the Omni LTe controller.

- Added support for the KNX gateway.
- Added support for the Omni LTe controller.
- Fixed a bug that caused a PC Access crash if you read/write setup while viewing the Access Control status page.

PC Access Version (14/September/2012)

- Improved discovery protocol on Windows Vista and Windows 7 systems that have multiple network interfaces.  On XP discovery broadcasts automatically go out all interfaces. On Vista/7 by default they only go out the first interface in the list.  PC Access now explicitly sends discovery broadcasts out all network interfaces.

PC Access Version (13/September/2012)

- Controller firmware 3.10d released:
  - Fixed problem with ZigBee locking up when ZIM restarted.

PC Access Version (23/August/2012)

- Controller firmware 3.10c released:
  - Fixed problem enrolling ZigBee locks.

- Minor internal updates to status display pages.

PC Access Version (12/July/2012)

- Fixed a bug in the feature version compare routine that caused some newer features not to show up in a default (Version 0.0) account file.

PC Access Version (11/July/2012)

- Controller firmware 3.10b released:
  - Added support for ZigBee shades.
  - Added "unknown" status for ZigBee units and locks that fail to communicate.
  - Added ZigBee LCM power demand.

- Fixed sort problem in Extended Setup -> Rooms.
- Changed status display of ZigBee devices to "<UNKNOWN>" when communications are lost.  Previously Locks and Units would continue to display their last known status until communications were restored.
- Added support for ZigBee "UNKNOWN" status when communications is lost with a ZigBee device.
- Added support for ZigBee Power.  For ZigBee units that support load/power reporting the current load in watts will be displayed in the unit status column.

PC Access Version (06/March/2012)

- Controller firmware 3.10a released:
  - Fixed problem commanding Z-Wave locks 1 and 9 if units 1-16 set to Z-Wave.
  - Fixed problem where Ethernet would stop working on Omni IIe and Lumina controllers when a serial port is set to ZigBee.

- Added language support for Arabic (ar).

- Modified Room Item drop downs in extended setup to remember last item selected.

- Added Support for HTX 2/GUI Pages to the Extended Setup.

- Fixed intermittent error when enrolling/disbanding ZigBee devices.

PC Access Version (13/January/2012)

- Controller firmware 3.10 released:
  - Added support for ZigBee and Z-Wave locks. 

- Added support for ZigBee and Z-Wave locks.

NOTE: For ZigBee lock support you must firmware 14.16 or higher in your ZIM. The ZigBee updater can be downloaded at:

- Fixed "UNEXPECTED RESPONSE" error after writing Extended Setup data when using Omni-Link protocol (UDP or serial).

PC Access Version (27/October/2011)

- Controller firmware 3.9 released:
  - Fixed problem reporting ZigBee zone controller thermostat off status as heating.
  - Fixed problem processing messages from C-Bus wireless networks.
  - Added support for Extended Setup information.
- Added support for Extended Setup information.

- Added language support support for:
    Hebrew (he)
    Russian (ru)
- Removed auto update check feature.  You can still manually check for updates from the Help menu.

PC Access Version (08/August/2011)

- Improved software update procedure.

- Corrected a problem that prevented an Omni IIe account file from being opened when the console descriptions were corrupt.

- Corrected problem with check box right-click on the "Edit Valid Card Readers" dialog.  Left-clicking on a check box toggles the checked state.  Right-clicking on a check box in a list of check boxes will check that item and uncheck all other items.

PC Access Version (28/July/2011)

- Removed some superfluous debug code.

PC Access Version (27/July/2011)

- Controller firmware 3.8a released:
  - Fixed problem commanding ZigBee units with address of zero.
  - Fixed problem reporting zone controller thermostat off status as heating.
  - Fixed problem with timed level commands in Clipsal C-Bus.
  - Added support for new Leviton Vizia RF Zone Controllers.
  - Added support for reports from devices using Z-Wave Basic Command Class.

- Removed "Z-Wave Scene" as a valid trigger type.
- Corrected some foreign language translation issues.

PC Access Version (28/June/2011)

- Controller firmware 3.8 released:
  - Added support for CoolMaster.

- Added support for CoolMaster.

PC Access Version (17/May/2011)

- Corrected a problem where the ZigBee Unit address was not saved to Lumina and Omni IIe account files.  This was similar the the previously corrected ZigBee thermostat address problem.

PC Access Version (05/May/2011)

- Corrected a problem where the ZigBee thermostat address was not saved to Lumina and Omni IIe account files.  Subsequently when reopening the files the ZigBee thermostat address was lost.  This has been corrected.

PC Access Version (14/April/2011)

- Fixed problem with Setup > Expansion in the Lumina Only version of PC Access.
- Fixed problem with Setup > Zones > Dealer Settings in the Lumina Only version of PC Access.
- Fixed problem with Setup > Units > Dealer Settings in the Lumina Only version of PC Access.
- Fixed problem with programming Lumina Modes and Alarms.
- Correct Flags annotations for Lumina and LuminaPro controllers.

PC Access Version (23/February/2011)

- Fixed problem where Release Notes link did not work on the first run after an upgrade.

- Added code to make sure the saved window positions are valid on the current screen.  This was done to resolve problems with laptops and other systems where the screen size or number of screens changes (e.g. docked vs. undocked).

- Corrected problem converting OEM account files that was introduced by the fix to detect corrupt account files.
PC Access Version (14/February/2011)

- Controller firmware 3.7 released:
  - Added support for ZigBee units and thermostats.
  - Fixed problem with arming code condition in programming.
  - Added additional languages for Lumina and Lumina Pro.
  - Corrected Omni-Link II data length for access control reader property message.
  - Modified to allow baud rate to be adjusted for Lutron HomeWorks and Centralite.
  - Added Omni-Link II notifications when requesting status from Centralite, HomeWorks, and RadioRA 2.
  - Fixed problem learning access control card addresses through reader for users 64 and up.
  - Increased delay between Somfy commands.

- Added support for ZigBee units and thermostats.

- Added ZigBee Enroll and Disband feature to the "Edit ZigBee Address" dialogs for units and thermostats.  This is similar to the "Configure UPB" feature except that it is initiated from the setup page while on-line with the controller.  The Enroll function also retrieves the ZigBee address of the device and updates the account file.

- Added Catalan, Latin American Spanish, European Spanish, French and Italian language support for Lumina and Lumina Pro controllers.  Requires Controller Firmware 3.7 or higher.

- Corrected printing problems for RadioRA 2 and Somfy ILT units.

- Corrected printing problems for Carrier/Bryant thermostats.

- Added additional error checking to detect corrupt files when reading account or export files.

- Added release notes link to the Help menu.

PC Access Version (02/December/2010)

- Fixed conversion problem for some OEM models that was introduced by the addition of Hi-Fi 2 support.

PC Access Version (23/November/2010)

- Controller firmware 3.6b released:
  - Improved message timing for Dynalite and Somfy.
  - Fixed problem setting access control card addresses through console for users 64 and up.

- Corrected Lumina/Lumina Pro Mode display problem.  The problem occurred when the mode was used in a "not equal to" condition statement.

PC Access Version (28/October/2010)

- Controller firmware 3.6a released:
  - Fixed problem with Hi-Fi 2 play/pause button on touchscreen.

PC Access Version (25/October/2010)

- Controller firmware 3.6 released:
  - Added support for HAI Hi-Fi 2.

- Added support for HAI Hi-Fi 2.

PC Access Version (10/September/2010)

- Controller firmware 3.5B released:
 - Fixed problem introduced in version 3.5a where Omni IIe, OmniPro II, Lumina, or Lumina Pro system could lock up when a programmed thermostat command was executed.

- Added some additional error handling in low level network communications routines to improve communications reliability.

- Added German and Portuguese language support to PC Access 3.

PC Access Version (03/September/2010)

- Controller firmware 3.5a released:
 - Adjusted priorities of Omni-Link II notifications.
 - Fixed problem introduced in version 3.5, for Omni IIe and Lumina controllers, with Omnistat communications halting after setup written from PC Access.
 - Improved Omni-Link II notifications for bypass/restore.
 - Modified to allow output 8 and zone 16 to be used if only non-Omnistat thermostats are being used.

- Changed some text for non-english language resources.

PC Access Version (20/August/2010)

- Updated version to to match the 3.5 firmware.

PC Access Version (19/August/2010)

- Controller firmware 3.5 released:
  - Added support for Carrier Infinity / Bryant Evolution thermostats.

- Added support for Carrier Infinity / Bryant Evolution thermostats. NOTE: This feature requires firmware version 3.5 or higher.

PC Access Version (28/July/2010)

- Controller firmware 3.4a released:
  - Improved Ethernet operation.
  - Modified to send notifications for expansion enclosure temperature readings.
  - Added access control notifications.
  - Fixed "record phrase" missing in French speech translation.

- Set update check reminder interval to 30 days after manually checking for an update.

- Changed several of the selectors in automation programming to display User Settings descriptions if available.  Most selectors were modified to display the description in March of 2009, but some were missed.

- Due to popular request; changed the display color of comments in automation programming.

- Fixed word wrap problem when printing times.

« Last Edit: April 28, 2022, 07:51:31 am by Myro Control »